Flower Pots at Heathcote

Flower Pots at Heathcote
9x12 acrylic on canvas

Friday, May 21, 2010

"Brown Pelican, Preening"
5x7 acrylic on hardboard $75
It is amazing to see a pelican preening with that great bill! I just had to do a close up from one of my photos. Birds are truly one of God's special creations. I see many, many different birds here in South Florida and find them always interesting and beautiful. This morning, at the pool, I was kept company by a pair of doves, drinking from the pool and cooing. I "cooed" back at them and they tilted their heads as if listening.
We still have Love Bugs everywhere and I was told that Bounce or other dryer cloths easily remove them. You first wet the car, of course. I used WD40 yesterday and that worked well, too and gave the car a nice shine. Rinse either of these off, I'd think!

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