"Lighthouse at Donaghadee Harbour"
11 x 14 watercolor on Arches paper $140
Please ignore the black spot in the sky on the left! I had my camera looked at, and because I twice have spilled water on it, it seems to have moisture inside, so I just bought a new one and it is charging at the moment. Should be ready to go tomorrow!
It was a cold and rather dreary day at Donaghadee (pronounced like Donna Kah 'Dee) Harbour and misting rain most of the day. Grahame did his demonstration and we all huddled around; then most of the class sat outside almost in the spot he did to do their painting. He left the sky white and used shadows on the lighthouse to make its form. I opted to sit in the car for shelter---I was painting away in the back seat and Kelli was working in the front seat! I decided to take artistic liscense and put pink in the sky, which set the mood for my whole painting. I rather liked the way it turned out--the colors are soft and pretty. Hope you like it, too.
Love your lighthouse painting, particularly the sky!